Monday, August 22, 2016

Describing Angles & Lines

We're cruising right along in Geometry!

Angles are made when linesrays, or line segments intersect.

This week, we will learn how to describe angles by comparing them to right angles, which are easy to identify because they form a square corner, like the corner of a paper.

Acute angles are less than (or narrower than) right angles.  If you can't fit the corner of a paper inside an angle, then it's acute.

Obtuse angles are greater than (or wider than) right angles.  If you can fit the corner of a paper inside an angle and there's still space that isn't covered, then it's an obtuse angle.

We will also learn to describe lines, rays, and line segments that are perpendicular or parallel.

I like to use two straight sides of papers (or two rulers) to extend lines, so it's easier to see if they will ever intersect.  Remember, if they never intersect, then they are parallel!

How would  you describe the fins on this surfboard?

Would you say the design on this board is perpendicular to the stringer?  Why or why not?

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