Friday, September 23, 2016

Read, Draw, Write Problem-Solving Process

Successful problem-solvers identify important information and use it to solve problems.  In class, we use the Read, Draw, Write (RDW) model for problem-solving.  During this process, students:

  • Read the problem slowly and carefully, visualizing the situation.  In your own words, what's happening?
  • Read the problem again.  After reading each sentence, circle/box important words (make annotations) or information such as numbers/units.  Underline the question or what needs to be done if you are told.
  • Model the situation with a diagram or picture.  (We use often use tape diagrams/bar models like the one in the picture to see part/whole relationships.)
  • Expressions (numbers and Math operation symbols that represent the situation) are also models.
  • Write an equation (solve the expression that represents the situation).
  • Write an answer statement, or a complete sentence