Friday, August 23, 2013

First Week

We had a productive first week!  After two days of baseline testing,  we set up our Interactive Math Journals (and have already completed two entries!) and had our first full Math Workshop session today when we reviewed how to represent numbers in standard, expanded, and word forms.  Our first basic facts fluency test (x0 fact families) today was a huge success!  For the first time, everyone in both classes earned an A+!  I can tell there was practicing going on during Home Learning.  Thank you!  Keep it up!  :-)  Since we don't need the extra week for this fact family, we'll start x1 next week.

In science, we reviewed making observations and read about tools scientists use to measure what they observe.  We also discussed science safety.

What was your favorite part of our first week?


  1. My favorite part about the first week with these students... It must be GOALS! Hearing the students talk about goals, question and discuss how we will get there as a class was inspiring. I am excited to start the school year and even more excited about "the places we will go!"
    Thank you to every student and all parents for making the first week a success!
