Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fun with Gravity

(Especially Monday-Friday this time of the school year!  :-))


In science workshop, we've learned that gravity is a force (a push/pull) that pulls everything toward the center of the earth.  We've been investigating the Law of Gravity (all objects are pulled toward one another by gravity) and proving that gravity is a force that can be overcome.  Through several explorations and some research, we've learned that one way we can overcome gravity by pushing or pulling harder than gravity is pulling something down.  We read

to help us understand that mass (the amount of matter or "stuff" something is made of) is different from weight (how heavy or light something feels, depending on how much gravity is pulling down).  This book has several easy activities that can be tried at home, so students can make discoveries about gravity, mass, and weight and is available through Jacksonville's Public Library system.

And since we'll be discussing safety in upcoming health lessons...

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