Thursday, November 29, 2012

What is Multiplication?

We have spent the past four weeks investigating this question and have had many thoughtful conversations, like the ones we had today after reflecting in our math journals and sharing our entries:

Sydnee lead our discussion of multiplication as repeated addition, a more efficient way for combining equal groups.

Shardaisa reminded us of some of the properties of multiplication we're starting to learn:
Commutative Property of Multiplication: numbers can be multiplied in any order, and the product will be the same (just like in addition!)

Zero Property of Multiplication: the product of any number and zero is zero

(Students: There are two other properties we'll learn, but I'm going to wait until one of you discovers them before I tell you! :-) )
Shardaisa also gave a good try at using a more challenging example to support her explanation!

Ryan R. connected multiplication to skip counting.  We also had an interesting discussion of his statement, "It is not adding or subtracting."  He modeled multiplication using arrays, one of my favorite multiplication strategies!

Garrett also remembered the Commutative Property.  He did a great job connecting skip counting (multiples) to multiplication.

Joseph helped us understand what "times" has to do with multiplication.

 We will continue looking for and discussing patterns to help us learn our multiplication facts!

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